Personalised Crystal Healing Kit

Book + All the required Crystals* + Pendulum & Pouch

+ Button Fastening Plastic Presentation Wallet -

Minimum 50 tumblestones with each kit!

Personalised to your Individual Requirements

Fantastic & Unusual Gift Idea!

When I first started researching Crystal Healing some years ago, I found that most books tended to be over complicated, or get pretty heavy going quite early on…I decided to write my own, Starter Guide, to help people get to grips with the basics.

The book, 'A Basic guide to Crystal Healing' which can be purchased on its own, or as a part of a kit including all the crystals covered within, has sold hundreds of copies.

Now, in response to demand, I am writing personalised Crystal Healing Kits, with specific crystals supplied to correspond to your particular issues, based on the information with which you supply me. *I shall email you a questionnaire*

Crystal Healing may be able to help with many issues:

Balancing your energies

Self Healing

Stress Relief



Seasonal Affective Disorder

Breaking Destructive Habits

Releasing Outdated Emotions

Breaking Free of Destructive Patterns

Chakra Balancing

Psychic Protection

Plus of course many others…

Crystal Healing can also act as an 'add-on' to your medical treatment, but, I stress, Crystal Healing - or any other 'Complementary Therapy' - is NOT an 'Alternative' to proper qualified medical care. I hate the term 'Alternative Therapy' - it should always be 'Complementary Therapy', which means 'something in addition'. If you have any concerns whatsoever about any aspect of your health or well-being, you must consult your registered medical practitioner. If you have any condition which requires medical treatment, any concerns about your health and well being which may require medical treatment, or if you are already receiving medical treatment, then you must consult your registered medical practitioner BEFORE commencing any form of Complementary Therapy, including Crystal Healing.

So What Do You Get?

The Book:

(Written by Pennymoon and printed from my inkjet printer, stapled together)

'Crystal Healing' by Pennymoon



-Getting Started

-Care of your Crystals

-The Chakra System

-Protecting yourself and your energy

-Meditation Basics

-Angels & how they can help you

-'What do I do with my Crystals?'

Crystal Layouts Crystal Combinations

-Crystal Properties (includes photo's of crystals for easy identification)**

-Principles of Dowsing & how it may help you or

'How to use your pendulum'

Further Reading


-Glossary of Terms

-About Pennymoon

* This will be a summary of the information which you have supplied*

**Properties of the crystals supplied with the kit**

You also receive:

The Crystals required for the issues described by you as appropriate:

These are tumblestones, of varying sizes; you get several of each type, up to a maximum of6 of each type of stone. I supply a minimum of 50 tumblestones; numbers of individual types of stone will depend on how many different types of stone are included and current stock levels.

Pendulum + Pouch will vary, depending on my selection, and your requirements.

A button fastening plastic presentation wallet Colours of pouches and wallets will vary

Anything Else?

If you require something specific for your kit, for example a sphere, egg, wand or other type of crystal, this can be arranged, price on application.

The suitability of your kit will depend on the quality of information you supply, all this information is completely confidential and once the kit has been despatched, I do NOT keep any of your personal details.


Now this is the really boring, but absolutely necessary bit... Whilst I believe in Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides, Protectors and Guardians, others may not. I am a qualified Reiki Practitioner - but not everyone recognises Reiki as a valid form of healing. Likewise, Crystal Healing, although recognised quite widely now, is not for everyone.

I do not claim that any of the procedures, practices or experiences detailed in any of my books, websites or othe writings will cure anyone of anything. They are not intended as a substitute for medical care by a qualified doctor, physician or surgeon. They may however, complement, that care. If you are suffering from any medical complaint that may require treatment - see your doctor! If you are practicing this on anyone else - make sure they have seen their doctor first - and if necessary get written permission from that doctor before proceeding.

Persons under the of 18 and animals

I do not recommend using any of the practices in this book on any animals or any persons under the age of 18. If you decide otherwise, these steps are sensible to protect yourself. Even if the parent is your sister, your brother or your closest friend, it counts for nothing in law.

1. The Parent or Authorised Carer MUST be present at all times

2. Get the WRITTEN permission of the Parent or Authorised Carer and the registered General Practitioner of the child. We live in a society that likes to sue. Protect Yourself!

Pennymoon makes no guarantees, express or implied, with respect to: the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information. and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused in regard to any information and/or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service by anyone at Pennymoon, or as a result of your use of this information, regardless of whether resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.

©2011 Pennymoon - All Rights Reserved