Who can resist crystals? I certainly can't (and my husband and his wallet will certainly agree !), but as well as being objects of desire in their own right, it is accepted in some quarters that different crystals can have a wide variety of properties which can aid healing, meditation, dowsing and a host of other uses.

I have devised my own basic Crystal Healing Kit and Crystal Meditation Kits which are always on sale through my shop. These were conceived as a way of cutting through all the blurb that you don't want to read about when you first pick up a book on Crystal Healing - Ok, you know you want to read it in depth at some point, but to begin with you just want to get going. My book on Basic Crystal Healing aims to give you the tools to do just that, quickly (well, reasonably) and safely. And the crystals come with it!

The Crystal Meditations can be used as an 'add on' or in their own right. I am currently offering 'Peace & Serenity', 'Energy' & Breaking Habits & Cutting Cords and am working on a others to form a complete range. Amongst the wide variety of lovely sparkly crystals on sale you will find Spheres of all sorts, including Amethyst, Rock Crystal and Rose Quartz - as well as some more unusual ones like Lepidolite, Cornish Serpentine and Leopard Stone.

I stock lots of Pendulums (I am a keen dowser of Earth Energies myself), a huge range of tumblestones and Quartz Clusters, Salt Lamps, Rough Rock Crystals, Wands and Massage tools and anything else that takes my eye...

In the words of Gary Larson - 'oooohh - look everybody - goldfish!'

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