Spiritual healing is as old as time - from the very first shamans to modern day evangelists and reiki practitioners, man has been able to channel the infinite healing power of the Divine Spirit. Now what you call that Divine Spirit is up to you - I have my beliefs, but I am not about to force them upon anyone else. However, I do believe in a Divine spirit, or force, and I also believe that there is a limitless healing energy which is available to each and every one of us.

I have trained in Reiki, and Spiritual Healing, and offer a free absent (distant) healing service to any and all that want me to send healing vibes their way! All you need to do is email me. I do not make any guarantees as to the efficacy of this healing, that is up to the Divine Spirit, but I can and will ask the Angels on your behalf. What I will say, is that my personal experience is that it can have a definite effect - or it did for me, whilst going through treatment and 5 operations for breast cancer.

I also write Crystal Healing books, supplied with crystals to help you take charge of your own healing process. These are available through my shop. If you do not see a healing kit which meets your needs, then please read the page on Personal Healing Kits, as I write them to your specific requirements, with crystals aligned to your needs.



Now this is the really boring, but absolutely necessary bit... Whilst I believe in Spirits, Angels, Spirit Guides, Protectors and Guardians, others may not. I am a qualified Reiki Practitioner - but not everyone recognises Reiki as a valid form of healing. Likewise, Crystal Healing, although recognised quite widely now, is not for everyone.

I do not claim that any of the procedures, practices or experiences detailed in any of my books, websites or othe writings will cure anyone of anything. They are not intended as a substitute for medical care by a qualified doctor, physician or surgeon. They may however, complement, that care. If you are suffering from any medical complaint that may require treatment - see your doctor! If you are practicing this on anyone else - make sure they have seen their doctor first - and if necessary get written permission from that doctor before proceeding.

Persons under the of 18 and animals

I do not recommend using any of the practices in this book on any animals or any persons under the age of 18. If you decide otherwise, these steps are sensible to protect yourself. Even if the parent is your sister, your brother or your closest friend, it counts for nothing in law.

1. The Parent or Authorised Carer MUST be present at all times

2. Get the WRITTEN permission of the Parent or Authorised Carer and the registered General Practitioner of the child. We live in a society that likes to sue. Protect Yourself!

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